Command Line
Renegade X, which is built from the Unreal Development Kit (UDK), supports a wide range of command line options. Renegade X therefor supports all UDK command line options. You can find the UDK command line documentation here but the following page lists options that are useful for Renegade X.
Plain switches (switches that don't have an =value), require a - in front of them. E.G. -windowed. Setting switches, (settings with an =value), dont require the - sign. E.G. GDIBotCount=10
The command line syntax is: udk.exe (client/server/editor) (map/server ip)?setting?setting?setting -switch
Examples of the command line syntax
UDK.exe CNC-Field.udk //Starts a skirmish game straight into the given map
UDK.exe server CNC-Field.udk?DEDICATED=true?bIsLanMatch=true //starts a server
UDK.exe //joins a server directly.
UDK.exe //joins a server directly, with the given player name and the server password.
EXE locations
(game folder)\Binaries\udklift.exe Auto selects correct exe based on your system. NOTE: Can select the 64bit exes automatically, which is currently not supported.
(game folder)\Binaries\Win32\udk.exe The 32bit client
(game folder)\Binaries\Win64\udk.exe The 64bit client. NOTE: Not currently supported
Name | command | Description |
Windowed | -windowed | Starts the game in windowed mode. |
Fullscreen | -FULLSCREEN | Starts the game in fullscreen mode. |
Skip movies | -nomoviesstartup | Disables movies. NOTE: will also disable the map loading screen videos. |
Resolution | ResX=1920?ResY=1080 | Sets the game resolution. |
Player Name | name=playername | Sets the player's name. |
Password | password=serverpassword | The password of the server that is being connected to. |
VSync | -NoVSync | Enable/Disable VSync. |
Dedicated server | DEDICATED=true | Runs as a dedicated server. //to be tested |
Mutators | MUTATOR=mutatorpackage.mutator | Loads a mutator. |
Silent | -silent | Don't display or output anything. |
Lan server | bIsLanMatch=1 | Turns off online authentication. //to be tested |
Listen server | listen=true | Runs a server in the same instance as a local client. For when a player is also hosting a game at the same time. //to be tested |
Difficulty | DIFFICULTY=7 | Bot difficulty. // to be tested |
Team Difficulty | (GDI/NOD)Difficulty=7 | Per team Bot difficulty. // to be tested |
Number filler bots | NUMPLAY=20 | The player count that should be reached, filling with bots as needed. |
Number of bots on team | (GDI/NOD)BotCount=10 | Amount of bots on given team. |
LAN Play | -LANPLAY | For client side. Uncaps the client bandwidth when connection to servers. Warning: Causes double the amount of server updates and can saturate client’s bandwidth. |
Multihome | MULTIHOME= | Which IP address the server will run on. |
Port | PORT=7777 | The port the server will run on. |
Primarynet | PRIMARYNET= | Which IP address the client should run on. |
No Sound | -NOSOUND | Turn of sound. |
No Splash | -NOSPLASH | Don't show the splash screen on startup. |
Single thread | -ONETHREAD | Run the game on one thread(core). |
Number of bots | numbots=10 | How many bots to have. |
Timelimit | timelimit=45 | Match time limit. 0 is no time limit. |
Team | team=0 | Which team to join. 0=GDI 1=NOD |