Command Line

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Renegade X supports a wide range of command line options, including most baseline UDK command line options. These are useful for setting server/client settings, running in Windowed mode, automating server startup, or quickly joining a server or level. These are most useful and primarily intended for server administrators, advanced users, and developers. The general syntax for the command line is: UDK.exe [server/editor] [destination (level or server address)][query options] [switches] [settings]


Example Description
UDK.exe CNC-Field Starts a skirmish game with CNC-Field as the initial level
UDK.exe CNC-Field?Name=Bob?TimeLimit=50 -windowed Starts a skirmish game in windowed mode with CNC-Field as the initial level, with some query options
UDK.exe Joins the server located at on the default port (7777)
UDK.exe Joins the server located at on port 7778
UDK.exe Joins the server located at on port 7778, with some query options
UDK.exe server CNC-Field Starts a server with CNC-Field as the initial level on the default port (7777)
UDK.exe server CNC-Field Port=7778 Starts a server with CNC-Field as the initial level on port 7778
UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=iLoveRenegadeX?TimeLimit=50 Port=7778 Starts a server with CNC-Field as the initial level on port 7778, with some query options
UDK.exe editor Starts the editor; this should only be run as part of the SDK


Switches take no parameters, and are prefixed with a '-'. For example, the switch "Windowed" would be "-windowed" on the command line. Switches are not case sensitive.

Switch Description
Windowed Starts the game in windowed mode
Fullscreen Starts the game in fullscreen mode
NoMovie Disables movies, including level loading movies
VSync Enable VSync
NoVSync Disable VSync
Silent Don't display or output anything.
LanPlay Uncaps the client bandwidth when connection to servers. Warning: Causes double the amount of server updates and can saturate client’s bandwidth.
NoSound Turn off sound
Log Shows the log window
NoSplash Suppress the splash screen on startup
OneThread Restricts the game to 1 thread/core.


Settings take 1 parameter, and do not require any prefix. For example, the setting "Port" might be "Port=7777" on the command line. Settings are not case sensitive.

Setting Parameter Description
ResX Integer Sets the game's horizontal resolution (i.e: ResX=1920)
ResY Integer Sets the game's vertical resolution (i.e: ResY=1080)
Multihome String Specifies the IP address to bind the server to
Port Integer Specifies the port to bind the server to
PrimaryNet String Specifies the IP address to bind the client to
Log String Which file to output logs to

Query Parameters

Query parameters are passed as a query string when joining a server or opening a level. These follow similar syntax to URL query strings.

Query Key Parameter Description
Name String Sets the player's name
Password String The password of the server to join
Dedicated true/false Runs as a dedicated server
Mutator String Comma delimited list of mutators. Example: Package1.MutatorClass1,Package2.MutatorClass2
bIsLanMatch true/false Turns off online authentication (TODO: test)
Listen true/false Runs a server in the same instance as a local client, for when a player is also hosting a game at the same time
GDIBotCount Integer Number of bots to have on GDI
NodBotCount Integer Number of bots to have on Nod
TimeLimit Integer Match time limit in minutes; 0 = unlimited
Team Integer Which team to join; 0=GDI, 1=NOD


There are several executable files used for launching Renegade X. The only one fully supported is the 32 bit client.

Executable Path Description
\Binaries\Win32\udk.exe The 32bit client
\Binaries\Win64\udk.exe The 64bit client
\Binaries\udklift.exe Auto selects 32 or 64 bit executable based on your system hardware

External links