Patch 5.462
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Patch 5.462 | |
Patch | |
Developer | Totem Arts |
Game | Renegade X |
Release date | July 27, 2020 |
Previous patch | Patch 5.461 |
Next patch | Patch 5.463 |
Patch 5.462 for Renegade X was released on July 27, 2020.
- Added the Nod vs. Nod maps to the Skirmish Menu.
- Made the surrender function read the Team Name, which gives dynamic support for 'Nod vs. Nod'.
- Added Harvester Status underneath its health bar ('Heading for the Tiberium Field', 'Heading for the Refinery', 'Paused' etc.).
- Added a spin only mode on the Laser Chaingun. Press 'Secondary Fire' first and then press 'Primary Fire' to skip the charge-up!
- Preview characters in the Purchase Menu will follow your cursor!
- Random Weapon Crate contents have been modified.
- Heavy Pistol - Changed to a crate only variant of the Heavy Pistol, it is slow firing but high damage to infantry.
- Laser Rifle - Crate variant changed to single shot firing mode.
- Missile Launcher - Changed to a crate only variant of the Missile Launcher called the Twin Launcher. This has 2 rockets per clip and a reload of 6 seconds (deals slightly less damage per missile compared to the normal launcher, but reloads slightly quicker than 2 normal missile shots).
- Shotgun - Changed to a crate only variant called the Kinetic Shotgun. It has 2 ammo per clip, with 50 clips in reserve. It has a 100 pellets per shot, but deals 1 damage per pellet. It also highly effective against Humvees and Buggies.
- Advanced Repair Gun - Removed in favour of the Advanced Repair Tool. (The tool heals for 60 compared to the Adv Rep Gun at 40, but has highly limited ammo and a long recharge, but is very good at emergency healing).
- Obelisk Of Light
- Slightly increased the splash damage radius.
- M2 Bradley
- Increased the price by 25% (For Nod vs. Nod maps specific only).
- Shotgun
- Shotgun range increased from 1200 to 1600.
- Shotgun ADS reduced spread by 20%.
- Grenade Launcher
- Projectile speed increased from 2000 to 3000 (Range is the same).
- Splash increased from 200 to 300.
- Alt Fire now shares the same damage and splash values as primary.
- Flame Thrower
- Projectile Speed increased from 2000 to 2500 (Range is the same).
- Chemical Thrower
- Projectile Speed increased from 1750 to 2000 (Range is the same).
- (Adv.) Repair Gun / Repair Tool
- Allowed commander to disarm any of his / her team's mines.
- Allowed players to disarm unowned mines (for when owner disconnects or get kicked).
- (Snipers) Ramjet Rifle / Sniper Rifle / Marksman Rifle
- Added a short delay when zooming in / out via new scope zoom transition animation similar to ADS.
- Lowered Zoomed in eye level height to match gun height position (Your head will always be exposed before you can shoot).
- Sniper have a more distinct near-miss sound effect (Notify player when they're getting sniped at).
- Sniper Rifle and Ramjet Rifle have more visible tracers so you can more easily detect where the shots are coming from.
- Scoped fire now has a recoil effect on the crosshair.
- Flame Tank
- Flames are now using spray-type projectiles which means they can shoot through multiple infantry now.
- Harvester
- Harvester VP bonuses are now based on how many trips the harvester has successfully made.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the vote colours for Nod vs. Nod maps.
- Fixed the Laser Rifle iron sight being cloaked when your character was cloaked.
- Repair Facility - Fixed GDI EVA voice lines being used for the Nod.
- Bots on Defensive Survival Maps should no longer target dead buildings.
- Fixed a bug that made the overlay mesh not update when setting a new character mesh.
- You should no longer be able to cancel Commander vote when you actually don't have the privilege to.
- Potential fix for the vehicle camera's / FOV desyncing between owning clients and others (IE, turret shooting slightly in the wrong direction, causing projectiles to collide in 2 different places).
- Fixed the GDI Character crate (Nod vs. Nod only).
- Removed the Recon Bike and M2 Bradley from the CLASSIC crate (Nod vs. Nod only).
- Fixed the Nod vehicles being blue in the Purchase Menu (Nod vs. Nod only).
- Fixed backing against the wall in a 3rd person removing your 1st person arms.
- Couple of local variable refining in the Purchase Menu UI.
- Characters' left arms should relax sooner when finishing a reload while sprinting.
- Refilling / Swapping your character now instant removes any bleeding / burning.
- Fixed the Advanced Base Defense Shutdown crate not working properly on maps with Power Plants. Keep an eye on your base!
- Developers are now able to toggle their Developer Flag again.
- Fixed the 'Base Power Crate' not disabling the Power Plant.
- Fixed the "Enemy Spotted" spam timer.
Quality of life
- Edited the Rcon subscriber limit from 5 up to 999 by default.
- Repair Gun - Beam will now pass through a friendly or neutral pawn, vehicle and deployed actor if no repair or disarming action is possible.
- Renamed the CLASSIC Light Tank to 'M2 Bradley' since there were doubles in spotting.
- Upped the minimum amount of players on the map list.
- Temporarily disabled AI tactics until it's solved that AI won't sit in the base.
- Updated textures of the Black Hand Refinery and Hand of Nod.
- Updated the Apache texture to have no faction colours anymore so it can be used for the Black Hand faction as well.
- Black Hand now owns a door with a blue stripe on their buildings instead of red.
- Added additional sound effects for some crate types (Power Offline Crate, Random Weapon Crate and Radar Sweep Crate).
- All buildings should now contain an flashing explanation mark on the Purchase Terminal when the building is destroyed.
- Added Heroic sound effects for the Missile Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Flame Thrower and MRLS.
User interface
- The Beacon icon in the radar should no longer be rotated around.
- Rescaled Feed Texts to support Ultrawide screens.
- Fixed the additional gaps in the Donation Menu.
- Music and Input menu should no longer overflow.
- Added a new Lock On element to the HUD.
- Fixed the overview map showing GDI buildings (Nod vs. Nod only).
- BH - Daybreak
- Added more blocking volumes to prevent getting out of the map.
- Added a minimap.
- Increased vehicle limit to 14.
- Renamed to 'Daybreak BH' in the Skirmish Menu.
- BH - Field
- Altered the map to a cloudy daytime setting.
- Added preview image.
- Increased vehicle limit to 11.
- BH - Lake Side
- Added its own unique minimap.
- Added preview image.
- BH - Snow
- Added preview image.
- BH - Steppe
- Replaced the frustrating fences near the Refinery with a ramp.
- Added a minimap and a preview image.
- Increased vehicle limit to 14.
- Fixed preview image.
- BH - Tomb
- Added a lot of old Egyptian tomb decoration to fill the area.
- Updated the Black Hand / Nod base wall (More in the style of Walls).
- Added Repair Pad to both sides.
- Replaced the Rocket Emplacements with Gun Emplacements.
- Raised the Gun Emplacement platforms to have more range.
- Increased the vehicle limit to 12.
- Updated some spotting locations.
- Optimized some culling on foliage.
- Converted the map to a night time setting.
- Added a preview image and minimap.
- BH - Under
- Added an additional blocking volume near the Power Plant.
- Converted the map to a night time setting.
- Added a minimap and preview image.
- BH - Walls
- Fixed an abused Base-2-Base spot on the Black Hand Side.
- Added gravity volumes to both Refineriy roofs to force players to get off and prevent Base-2-Base.
- Added Tiberium and AT Mines on both caves in the Black Hand and Nod base to prevent Base-2-Base and unintentional sniping.
- Replaced the GDI Purchase Menu with the Black Hand version.
- Added a minimap.
- Renamed to 'Walls BH' in the Skirmish Menu.
- CNC - Canyon
- Removed the sand on the Barracks foundation.
- Potentional abuse spot blocked off to Ion Cannon Strike the Airstrip from the tunnel.
- CNC - Complex
- Moved a tree to help prevent Base-2-Base.
- Moved and added some rocks to make it harder to Base-2-Base.
- CNC - Crash Site
- Updated the visuals to be more filmic.
- Updated the Tiberium Field in front of the Scrin Ship to have a mix with Green and Blue Tiberium.
- Updated the Nod Tiberium Field to match the other Tiberium fields more.
- Deleted the rain particles in the map and replaced it with a local rain particle (should improve performance in a way).
- Added a Weather Disable volume in buildings and the ship to disable the local particle effects.
- Replaced the Silo Tech building inside the GDI base with a GDI Silo (not an actual building).
- Petrol barrels can now explode when you shoot at them!
- Fixed the blue reflection appearing randomly across the map.
- Cleaned up some BSP.
- Updated minimap and preview image.
- Updated Endgame Camera Sequence.
- Added additional blocking volumes to prevent getting out of the map.
- Fixed AI getting stuck in the Scrin ship.
- Increased the vehicle limit to 12.
- CNC - Daybreak
- Added more blocking volumes to prevent getting out of the map.
- CNC - Desolation
- Reduced the light shaft occlusion depth range.
- Reduced the Recon Bike price from 500 to 250.
- Changed the Silo to be more Nod sided.
- Added a better cover for Nod at the Barracks infantry path.
- Elevated the rock near the Adv. Guard Tower so Nod will get more chance to get in the Barracks.
- Removed the Skylight actor to improve performance.
- Changed the Directional light, Fog, Sky material and Base Lightposts.
- Some visual improvements.
- Increased the vehicle limit to 14.
- CNC - Eyes
- Fixed a stuck spot.
- Increased the vehicle limit to 18.
- CNC - Field
- Increased the vehicle limit to 11.
- CNC - Field X
- Fixed a stuck spot.
- Moved the Nod Tiberium field more to the Nod base entrance.
- Added spotting areas at both Power Plant tunnels.
- Altered the Nod base entrance to be less open.
- Added a rock for cover next to the Hand of Nod.
- AI should now be able to use the Power Plant tunnels.
- Increased the vehicle limit to 14.
- CNC - Forest
- Added.
- CNC - Islands
- Deleted some floating grass in the sky above the tunnels.
- Added a damage volume in the middle near the map border that was getting abused.
- Blocked off access UNDERNEATH the tunnels what allowed unintentional exploits.
- CNC - Islands X
- Added.
- CNC - Lake Side
- Added several blocking volumes around the infantry path cliff on the Nod side to patch potential stuck spots.
- CNC - Outposts
- Increased the vehicle limit to 20(!!).
- CNC - Steppe
- Removed the Refinery fences.
- Vehicles are now allowed to go near the Barracks / Hand of Nod.
- Added additional cover for vehicles in the Tiberium Vehicle Path.
- Added cover in front of the Guard Tower near the Hand of Nod.
- Modified the GDI cave entrance to be more like the Nod one.
- Removed the wall behind the Weapons Factory.
- Changed the Silo to a Silo Tech Building.
- Optimized some old meshes.
- Changed the lightpost light colour.
- Some visual improvements.
- Moved the Guard Towers near the Refineries to protect the doors more efficiency.
- Increased the vehicle limit to 14.
- CNC - Tomb
- Added a lot of old Egyptian tomb decoration to fill the area.
- Updated the GDI / Nod base wall (more in the style of Walls).
- Upped the GDI Harvester dump value from 200 to 250.
- Added Repair Pad to both sides.
- Replaced the Rocket Emplacements with Gun Emplacements.
- Raised the Gun Emplacement platforms to have more range.
- Increased the vehicle limit to 12.
- Updated some spotting locations.
- Optimized some culling on foliage.
- Updated minimap and preview image.
- CNC - Tunnels
- Fixed some Tiberium clumps appearing pitch black in netplay.
- CNC - Under
- Updated the minimap after the recent changes from previous patch.
- Added an additional blocking volume near the Power Plant.
- Fixed some landscape errors.
- Fixed a rock between the GDI pipeline and the base entrance floating partly above the ground.
- Fixed some spots where the player could hide in between the GDI pipeline route and the base entrance.
- CNC- Uphill
- Added a rock near the GDI tunnel to better explain bad collision near the tunnel entrance.
- CNC - Volcano
- Reduced the strength of the Tiberium glares in the Tiberium cave.
- CNC - Walls
- Fixed an abused Base-2-Base spot on the GDI side.
- Added gravity volumes to both Refinery roofs to force players to get off and prevent Base-2-Base.
- Added Tiberium and AT Mines on both caves in the GDI and Nod base to prevent Base-2-Base and unintentional sniping.
- CNC - Whiteout
- Increased the vehicle limit to 12.
- Updated preview image.
- Corrected the amount of tech buildings displayed in the Skirmish menu.
- CNC - Xmountain
- Fixed getting stuck between a tank blocker and a rock near the Silo area.
- DEF - Dark Night
- Removed 'Operation:' from the name in the Skirmish Menu as it was too long.
- Fixed some asset references to 'Renegade X: Firestorm'.
- Added a MapInfo class for the Nod vs. Nod maps so it won't have to be set-up manually.
- Added BH - PTLevel for mappers that want to make a Nod vs. Nod map.
- Updated the Tower Trusser Material to have a Normal and Specular map.