Timed C4

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Timed C4

The most powerful explosive in game. All Infantry posesses minimum 1 of those, allowing them to seriously damage a building should they manage to safely place it on MCT and guard it until detonation.
It requires no activation after deployment, instead it starts a countdown of 30 seconds. Upon hitting 0, it detonates, doing heavy damage to the object it was placed on and its surroundings. It can be placed on ground to deliver the AOE damage to any enemy unlucky enough to be in the vicinity. It inflicts burn Status Effect.


Timed C4s are mainly used to damage buildings, causing 17 points damage when placed on structure needing 12 timeds to kill it, and 66 point on MCT, requiring 3 timeds to kill it. Of course, usually they are assisted by some other offensive means as delay in countdowns between timeds, and the fact that no class posesses 3 timeds makes them unreliable as a sole means of completely bringing down buildings.

"Nod wants women to stay home"
by SinisterPoem

They can be also succesfully used for sabotaging enemy Vehicles, as one timed will take 400hp upon detonation, killing without fail all vehicles with light armor and heavily damaging remaining ones. Players not familiarised with the rules of battlefield might also get out of rigged vehicle in places they are not covered by friendly units, creating an opportunity to steal this vehicle.


  • Friendly Timed C4 will not damage you upon detonation
    • However, YOUR Timed C4 will damage you with it's full force
      • It is impossible to throw a Timed C4 on oneself (believe me, i tried. It just bounces off of you).
    • Vehicles you are manning with your Timed C4 will not take damage upon detonation.
  • Throwing any kind of C4 (be it Remote C4 or Timed) on other team member will cause their nick to dissapear, and prevent them from making any changes to their character through purchase terminal, be if refill or buying different class. It is considered team-hampering, so keep your timeds to yourself.
  • Throwing Timed C4 on your vehicle to approach and inflict it's AOE damage upon enemy is not allowed and will get you kicked.
  • It is a common passtime among players to throw timeds on unwary enemy snipers engrossed in scoping for enemies, as it is a great entertainment to both teams to see a sniper running from ruthlessly ticking timer.
    • Even if the sniper enters a friendly vehicle, timed will detonate nonetheless, dealing it's usual damage to the vehicle as well as killing the sniper.