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Remote C4 together with the remote.

Remote C4 is, as indicated by name, an explosive which can be activated remotely. it is weaker than Timed C4, and cannot be activated before about 2 seconds have passed since deployment.
Remote C4 will stay on objects/ structures/ terrain until detonation or your death, making it a very versatile tool, however there's a limit of 4 Remote C4 a single person can deploy. after exceeding that limit the oldest Remote C4 will be replaced by the explosive exceeding the limit.


Thrown on MCT it does 42 points of damage. Thrown on structure itself it does 9 points of damage. It will take 200 hp from any not friendly vehicle it's planted on.


  • Running away- when facing a stronger class, player in posession of Remote C4 can throw them on the ground while making his way back to the safety of the base. Given that pursuer is most effective in close to medium ranges, he will either have to walk around the Remote or take chances of you activating the explosive when he's in the AOE of the explosive. No class can survive 2 Remotes impact.
  • Ambushing the enemy- same as above, only you place the explosives in hard to notice spots of the areas enemy is likely to run through and detonate them from hiding upon spotting an enemy.
    • This is frequently used on maps where early Infantry rushes could prove threatening, serving as a kind of mannable Proximity C4.
  • Safety Guard for vehicles against stealing by enemy- since every player can deploy 4 Remote C4 at the same time, and each of these take 200hp, they can be used to rig your own vehicles to be blown up should the opposing team member happen to enter it's driver seat. This tactic is higly promoted, as it is very likely you will have to get out of your vehicle at some point, making it vulnerable to stealing. Remember that stolen vehicles not only are a free offensive power your enemy can use, sometimes with much greater effect than any other vehicle they are capable of buying, but also jam your teams vehicle limit
    • An offensive variation of this tactic, called Flaming Buggy/Humvee takes advantage of the high damage the AOE of Remote C4 inflicts on Vehicles. The tactic consists of 4 Remote C4 placed on Buggys/Humvees (used for their affordability and speed) front bumper, then driving into enemy vehicles and detonating before they have a chance to react. When executed perfectly, this suicide tactic should take down all vehicles up to Medium Tank.
Flaming Humvee used to heavily damage Nod Turret
      • Similiarly to Harvy Walking, this tactic used to be prohibited.
      • Using your friends as flaming objects against enemy Infantry is possible, however it is frowned upon, and hard to execute using only in-game communication channels. Your friend can't refill as long as he has the remotes on himself, the enemy is angry because you are abusing no-friendly-fire principle, and you are sad because no one is complimenting your dashing leadership abilities for executing this manoeuvre. So don't bother. Just shoot your guns.