Laser Rifle

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Laser Rifle
Carried by Brotherhood of Nod Stealth Black Hand
Type Primary weapon
Base Damage15
Kevlar Armorx1
Flak Armorx1
Lazarus Armorx1
Heavy Armorx0.35
Light Armorx0.52
Aerial Armorx0.55
Damage type Energetic - laser
Projectile speed 50000
Range 6000
Scope lens Single zoom level
Rate of fire 0.5
Magazine 30 (Recruit)
36 (Veteran)
42 (Elite)
48 (Heroic)
Reserve Infinite
Internal name Rx_Weapon_LaserRifle

The Firefly Laser Rifle is the primary weapon for the Brotherhood of Nod's Stealth Black Hands.


The Laser Rifle features a miniature Obelisk of Light as its barrel to fire lasers from, a Nod logo on the front, iron sights on the top, and battery repositories on the side. Clips are made of batteries that are loaded into the bottom part of the rifle and connect to the mini-obelisk via tubes.


The Laser Rifle fires three laser beams with one shot. It is considered the average weapon in the game, able to damage everything but not excelling at anything. Even with a high rate of fire, it cannot be "sprayed and prayed" efficiently since it has small clips; therefore, it is not very effective in long infantry clashes, but rather used to finish weakened infantries or vehicles.

Lasers appear as straight bright lines, along with being quite loud, so even after firing once, the wielder will give away their position almost immediately.



See also