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Test Page

Silenced Pistol: It is really that weak??? ROF 0.15 range 2000 (that's the same as a Flame Tank)

Base Damage Headshot Multiplier Kevlar Armor Multiplier Flak Armor Multiplier Lazarus Armor Multiplier Heavy Armor Multiplier Light Armor Multiplier Aerial Armor Multiplier Building Multiplier MCT Multiplier
12 x3.5 x0.7 x1.1 x1 x0.016 x0.16 x0.16 x0.002 x0.2


  • 9 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 3 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor with headshots;
  • 21 hits to kill infantry with 100 kevlar (if the body is fully struck);
  • 17 hits to kill infantry with 100 flak (if the body is fully struck);
  • 7 hits to kill infantry with 100 kevlar with headshots;
  • 6 hits to kill infantry with 100 flak with headshots;
  • 2084 hits to destroy a Stealth Tank;
  • 209 hits to destroy a Gun Emplacement;
  • 209 hits to destroy an Orca;
  • 41667 hits to destroy a complimentary defense building;
  • 200000 hits to destroy a main building;
  • 2000 hits to destroy a main building via the Master Control Terminal.

You can fare well if you manage to continuously score headshots with it. Of course, it is of no use against vehicles/buildings.

Heavy Pistol: The trusted sidearm of Hotties/Techies ROF 0.25 range 3000 (not much but you will usually be close to the enemy if you get spotted)

Base Damage Headshot Multiplier Kevlar Armor Multiplier Flak Armor Multiplier Lazarus Armor Multiplier Heavy Armor Multiplier Light Armor Multiplier Aerial Armor Multiplier Building Multiplier MCT Multiplier
30 x2.25 x0.7 x1.1 x1 x0.1 x0.25 x0.25 x0.1 x0.5


  • 4 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 2 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor with headshots;
  • 9 hits to kill infantry with 100 kevlar (if the body is fully struck);
  • 8 hits to kill infantry with 100 flak (if the body is fully struck);
  • 5 hits to kill infantry with 100 kevlar with headshots;
  • 4 hits to kill infantry with 100 flak with headshots;
  • 134 hits to destroy a Stealth Tank;
  • 54 hits to destroy a Gun Emplacement;
  • 54 hits to destroy an Orca;
  • 334 hits to destroy a complimentary defense building;
  • 1600 hits to destroy a main building;
  • 320 hits to destroy a main building via the Master Control Terminal.

Is not actually that bad for being a sidearm... provided that your aim is good, and you might feel OP with it should you keep scoring headshots.

Mobi & Doza Comparison

Volt Automatic Rifle ROF 0.06 range 3000

Base Damage Headshot Multiplier Kevlar Armor Multiplier Flak Armor Multiplier Lazarus Armor Multiplier Heavy Armor Multiplier Light Armor Multiplier Aerial Armor Multiplier Building Multiplier MCT Multiplier
10 x2 x1 x1 x1.4 x0.4 x0.4 x0.6 x0.4 x1.2
  • 10 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 5 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor with headshots;
  • 25 hits to kill infantry with 150 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 21 hits to kill SBH with 150 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 15 hits to kill infantry with 150 armor with headshots;
  • 11 hits to kill SBH with 150 armor with headshots;
  • 33 hits to kill Doza with 225 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 17 hits to kill Doza with 225 armor with headshots;
  • 100 hits to destroy a Stealth Tank;
  • 100 hits to destroy a Gun Emplacement;
  • 67 hits to destroy an Orca;
  • 250 hits to destroy a complimentary defense building;
  • 1200 hits to destroy a main building;
  • 400 hits to destroy a main building via the Master Control Terminal.

Alternate Fire charges rounds into a single projectile with that specific amount of base damage. Ex: 10 round charge = 100 base damage; 30 round charge = 300 base damage. Armor multipliers are the same as the primary fire one.

Tiberium Automatic Rifle: Flechette Mode ROF 0.12 range 3000

Base Damage Headshot Multiplier Kevlar Armor Multiplier Flak Armor Multiplier Lazarus Armor Multiplier Heavy Armor Multiplier Light Armor Multiplier Aerial Armor Multiplier Building Multiplier MCT Multiplier
22 x2 x0.8 x1.1 x1 x0.1 x0.2 x0.35 x0.01 x0.025
  • 5 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 3 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor with headshots;
  • 11 hits to kill infantry with 100 Kevlar (if the body is fully struck);
  • 10 hits to kill infantry with 100 flak (if the body is fully struck);
  • 6 hits to kill infantry with 100 Kevlar with headshots;
  • 6 hits to kill infantry with 100 flak with headshots;
  • 20 hits to kill Mobi with 250 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 11 hits to kill Mobi with 250 armor with headshots;
  • 182 hits to destroy a Stealth Tank;
  • 91 hits to destroy a Gun Emplacement;
  • 52 hits to destroy an Orca;
  • 4546 hits to destroy a complimentary defense building;
  • 21819 hits to destroy a main building;
  • 8728 hits to destroy a main building via the Master Control Terminal.

Of course Flechette Mode is better suited against infantry and light armored vehicles.

Tiberium Automatic Rifle: AutoRifle Mode ROF 0.25 range 3600

Base Damage Headshot Multiplier Kevlar Armor Multiplier Flak Armor Multiplier Lazarus Armor Multiplier Heavy Armor Multiplier Light Armor Multiplier Aerial Armor Multiplier Building Multiplier MCT Multiplier
40 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.45 x0.45 x0.7 x0.5 x1.5
  • 3 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 2 hits to kill infantry with 0 armor with headshots;
  • 5 hits to kill infantry with 100 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 3 hits to kill infantry with 100 armor with headshots;
  • 10 hits to kill Mobi with 250 armor (if the body is fully struck);
  • 6 hits to kill Mobi with 250 armor with headshots;
  • 23 hits to destroy a Stealth Tank;
  • 23 hits to destroy a Gun Emplacement;
  • 15 hits to destroy an Orca;
  • 50 hits to destroy a complimentary defense building;
  • 240 hits to destroy a main building;
  • 80 hits to destroy a main building via the Master Control Terminal.

Doza deals more damage per hit, but has less ammo and it is slower to fire compared to Mobi. Mobi and Doza at the same skill level will result in Mobi winning due to his larger clip size, more armor, and faster ROF. A good Doza with a skilled aim might defeat Mobi, especially if Mobi has lower skill levels than Doza or if lucky with headshots.

Assuming both hit each other's bodies with primary fire and without missing:

  • Mobi kills Doza in 0.06 x 33 = 1.98 seconds.
  • Doza kills Mobi in 0.12 x 20 = 2.40 seconds.

If they are both headshotting each other with primary fire:

  • Mobi kills Doza in 0.06 x 17 = 1.02 seconds.
  • Doza kills Mobi in 0.12 x 20 = 1.32 seconds.


Jarzey Xawalt
Faction N/A
Function useless
Health 1
Armor N/A
Armor Type N/A
Primary Weapon N/A
Sidearm N/A
Speed 1
Explosives N/A
Cost $0


An idiot with a paper bag, and some unknown red contraption on his head.


He is useless.



I have already told you that he is useless.


Shot him once with anything, he dies. Note that repair guns will damage him instead of restoring his health.


Pressing the reload button makes him rotate his paper bag with his hands.

If you meet someone that goes by "Odoacer" in game, he is my younger brother.

Veterancy bonus table

GDI Infantry

Name Armor (Recruit) Armor (Veteran) Armor (Elite) Armor (Heroic) Primary Weapon Clip/Magazine (Recruit) Clip/Magazine (Veteran) Clip/Magazine (Elite) Clip/Magazine (Heroic)
Soldier 100 125 150 175 Automatic Rifle 100/700 100/900 125/1375 150/1950
Shotgunner 100 125 150 175 Shotgun 8/56 9/81 10/110 12/156
Grenadier 125 150 175 200 Grenade Launcher 8/56 8/72 10/110 12/156
Marksman 75 100 125 150 Marksman Rifle 8/88 8/104 10/150 12/204
Engineer 75 100 125 150 Repair Gun Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite
Officer 150 175 200 225 Chaingun 150/800 175/1050 200/1600 250/2500
Rocket Soldier 150 175 200 250 Missile Launcher 1/25 1/27 1/29 1/31
McFarland 150 150 175 200 Flak Cannon 12/48 12/72 14/112 16/160
Deadeye 150 175 200 225 Sniper Rifle 4/32 4/40 5/60 6/84
Gunner 200 250 300 350 Rocket Launcher 6/60 6/72 6/84 6/96
Patch 175 200 225 250 Tactical Rifle 50/350 50/450 50/550 50/650
Havoc 200 225 250 275 Ramjet Rifle 4/32 4/40 5/60 5/70
Sydney 200 225 250 300 Personal Ion Cannon 4/44 4/52 5/75 6/102
Mobius 250 300 350 400 Volt Automatic Rifle 100/600 100/800 100/1000 100/1200
Hotwire 125 150 175 200 Advanced Repair Gun Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite

GDI Vehicles

Name Armor (Recruit) Armor (Veteran) Armor (Elite) Armor (Heroic) Armament Clip (Recruit) Clip (Veteran) Clip (Elite) Clip (Heroic)
Humvee 300 350 400 500 .50 Cal Machine Gun 100 100 125 150
APC 600 650 700 750 M134 Minigun 100 100 125 150
Mobile Rocket Launcher System 400 450 500 550 M149 Missile 6 8 10 12
Medium Tank 800 900 1000 1100 105mm Cannon 1 1 1 1
Mammoth Tank 1200 1350 1500 1750 120mm Cannons/ Tusk Missiles 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/6
Chinook 500 550 650 800 Gatling Gun 100 100 125 150
Orca 400 450 500 650 .50 Cal Machine Gun/ Hellfire Missile 100/4 120/4 150/6 200/6
Wolverine 350 400 450 500 Vulcan Cannon 100 125 150 200
Titan 800 900 1000 1100 120mm Cannon 1 1 1 1
Hover Mobile Rocket Launcher System 400 450 500 550 M269 Missile 8 10 12 16

Nod Infantry

Name Armor (Recruit) Armor (Veteran) Armor (Elite) Armor (Heroic) Primary Weapon Clip/Magazine (Recruit) Clip/Magazine (Veteran) Clip/Magazine (Elite) Clip/Magazine (Heroic)
Soldier 100 125 150 175 Automatic Rifle 100/700 100/900 125/1375 150/1950
Shotgunner 100 125 150 175 Shotgun 8/56 9/81 10/110 12/156
Flame Trooper 100 125 150 175 Flamethrower 50/700 50/800 75/1350 100/2000
Marksman 75 100 125 150 Marksman Rifle 8/88 8/104 10/150 12/204
Engineer 75 100 125 150 Repair Gun Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite
Officer 125 150 175 200 Chaingun 150/800 175/1050 200/1600 250/2500
Rocket Soldier 125 150 175 225 Missile Launcher 1/25 1/27 1/29 1/31
Chemical Trooper 150 175 200 225 Chemical Thrower 50/950 60/1260 70/1610 80/2000
Black Hand Sniper 150 175 200 225 Sniper Rifle 4/32 4/40 5/60 6/84
Stealth Black Hand 150 175 200 225 Laser Rifle 30/Infinite 36/Infinite 42/Infinite 48/Infinite
Laser Chaingunner 250 325 400 475 Laser Chaingun 120/Infinite 130/Infinite 140/Infinite 150/Infinite
Sakura 200 225 250 275 Ramjet Rifle 4/32 4/40 5/60 5/70
Raveshaw 200 225 250 300 Railgun 4/44 4/52 5/75 6/102
Mendoza 225 275 325 375 Tiberium Automatic Rifle 50/300 50/400 50/500 50/600
Technician 125 150 175 200 Advanced Repair Gun Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite

Nod Vehicles

Name Armor (Recruit) Armor (Veteran) Armor (Elite) Armor (Heroic) Armament Clip (Recruit) Clip (Veteran) Clip (Elite) Clip (Heroic)
Buggy 250 275 300 350 .50 Cal Machine Gun 100 100 125 150
APC 600 650 700 750 M134 Minigun 100 100 125 150
Mobile Artillery 400 450 500 550 155mm Cannon 1 1 1 1
Light Tank 600 675 750 825 75mm Cannon 1 1 1 1
Flame Tank 800 900 1000 1100 Flamethrower Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite
Stealth Tank 400 450 500 550 TOW Missile 2 2 2 2
Chinook 500 550 650 750 Gatling Gun 100 100 125 150
Apache 400 450 500 600 30mm Automatic Cannon/ Hydra-70 Rocket 40/12 50/14 65/16 90/18
Buggy (Tiberian Sun) 250 300 350 400 30mm Automatic Cannon 50 55 60 65
Recon Bike 200 250 300 350 Hydra-70 Rocket 6 8 10 12
Tick Tank 700 800 900 1000 90mm Cannon 1 1 1 1

Side Weapons

Name Clip (Recruit) Clip (Veteran) Clip (Elite) Clip (Heroic)
Silenced Pistol 12 12 14 16
Heavy Pistol 8 9 10 11
Carbine 30 35 40 45
Machine Pistol 30 35 40 45
Silenced Machine Pistol 30 30 30 30


Name Armor (Recruit) Armor (Veteran) Armor (Elite) Armor (Heroic) Armament Clip (Recruit) Clip (Veteran) Clip (Elite) Clip (Heroic)
Gun Emplacement 400 500 600 700 Gatling Gun/ Auto Cannon 100/6 110/8 125/10 150/12
Rocket Emplacement 400 500 600 700 SWARM Launcher/ Hellfire Missile 12/1 14/1 16/1 18/1

Beginner's Guide to Renegade X

COMING not anytime SOON